
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Teen Mom: Are YOU My Daddy?

I started 3 minutes late...
Kailyn and Javi are discussing her upcoming court hearing with Jo. She thinks her temper is the only plausible issue because in either situation both men (Jo or Javi) would be sacrificing time with their child. She has a point. If she moves, Jo isnt near his son. If she can't move, Javi doesn't live near his son. Let's not lose perspective: Kailyn manufactured this situation. #nosympathy

Chelsea mentioned Adam then starts talking about starting school soon. Aubree is asking other families in the restaurant to adopt her. Chelsea feigns authority and Aubree doesn't respect her because at the tender age of 3/4 she knows Chelsea never follows through. Chelsea is pretty sure she's setting an awesome example for Aubree. You know who isn't? ADAM! Lets talk about Adam!

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Adam and his fiancee are discussing trying to get more visitation with Aubree. Then, they discuss their forthcoming spawn. Adam reflects.

Leah and her family are going to vacation in Orlando. Leah's hair is there, too. It does not disappoint. Side note--- my hair is also currently a treat! Was Leah just dragged her child like a rag doll? God, I hope it was not the child with muscular dystrophy.

Jenelle is like "Abortion done. Next up, court case." Jace is cursing over and over. Babs threatens him with a pickle. Jenelle leaves to call her lawyer, Dustin, esq. Good news! Jenelle is free to continue couch surfing and smoking weed, because her case is continued for a few months. Dustin really can't give any real idea of repercussions because he doesn't know what they have on her. Jenelle thinks that her husband, Courtland, was the problem and he's not around (because hes in jail) so it should be smooth sailing. Remember when it was all Kieffer's fault? Then, all of her problems were because of Gary? In the words of Jace, "FUCK YOU!".

Chelsea is getting ready for her first day of school. She wakes up Aubree... or attempts to wake her up. Aubree doesn't give a shit. She thinks she can just throw a fit and get her way, because Chelsea never follows through.

Jo and Kailyn go to court. The court passed the buck to a different county. She whines about having SO much to deal with. Uhhh... other than attempting to tear a father from his son, what is she dealing with? Pregnancy? She's done that before. Wedding planning? She already made me watch her get married to Javi.

Jenelle and Barbara discuss the severity of her felony charges. Babs thinks Jenelle should get a part time job - for multiple reasons, but the only reason Jenelle heard was "to meet new guys people". Jenelles antennas perk up --- I met someone on a dating app! Babs cant believe it! "Jenelle ya MARRIED! Ya looking fa anotha guy?!" Jenelle is laughing and says that her new guy is a good guy. They've been texting for a month! Babs rightfully points out that this could be a serial killer... then for unknown reasons they both giggle. NO! Nathan can't be a murderer! He plays football! Aaron Hernandez, or no? He's an underwear model, too. "AND HE WANTS TO MEET YOU?!" -- Babs is incredulous. She advises her daughter not to cheat, at mini golf, not marriage.

Leah puts her twins in bikinis and they immediately stuff their tops with tissue. WHERE did they learn THAT? The family goes swimming. They discuss how grim the future looks for Ali.

Chelsea still hasn't left the house. Chelsea and her friend look like clones from The Chive. They want to wax each others vaginas, but they are "worried about smells". -- Thats a real quote. I didn't make that up.

Jo and his lawyer are discussing the court case with Kail. Jeez, these scenes are short and choppy! Jos lawyer has a good point: if Isaac moves to Delaware because his step-father, Javi, is stationed there, what happens when he is stationed somewhere else? Hmm... again, this all originated from Kailyn pushing Javi into the military for the benefits. JOKES ON YOU! America doesn't take care of its service members! If she REALLY wanted to man who would move out of state and have benefits and salary she SHOULD have picked an oilfield man. #truthbomb

Leah is on a ferris wheel. Momma Dawn is there, too. Oh my God, I usually give Leah more props than I'd like to regarding her ability to co-parent or cope with her childs handicap, but on this particular day... Im cringing. You know those ball pits kids play in? Or those rope ladders they put in kids playgrounds? She just put her child who has a hard enough time walking in those things, then rushed her along as she struggled, then made fun of her for crying... then grabbed her by the fore arm and swung her out of the pen. YIKES! They ride the roller coaster tougher and all troubles seem forgotten. Now, Leah is talking about Ali's grim future again. They always have these discussions in front of the children. Now, Leah is really complaining about her husband having a good job. Her complaints are those of a child.

Jenelle wants to get a pedicure, talk about her abortion, her court case, and Nathan with Tori. You remember Tori, right? They got into a huge fist fight on camera when they attempted to live together? She kicked Jenelle out. Also, they were in those naked photos together. Anyway, Jenelle is dishing out some real gems such as "I've continually been in relationships, ya know, since I was like 14. I like can't like be alone, you know? I guess itd be different if I had Jace because then he'd occupy my time and I'd be with him". Hey, Norma Bates, time with your son and time with a boyfriend are different things. If you have so much free time-- get a job ya big dumb drop out! Oh and BTW, Jenelle LIVES with Jace at this time, and she's still on the dating site looking for someone to occupy her time. Tori thinks Jenelle is replacing her need for her father or mothers love with superficial love from random "boyfriends". She's also worried about the amount of men Jenelle keeps introducing to Jace. OMG! When did Tori get a brain? I like her, right now.

Jo brings Isaac to Kailyns house. That's it. He leaves. She calls Javi to tell him what happened in court --- like she didn't text him the second she walked out of court. She and Javi complain more about the court case and I really can't force myself to care. I care as much about Kailyn in court as I do about Chelsea in school. It's been years. No one cares.

Chelsea picks up Aubree from daycare. Papa Randy comes over to hear about their first days of school.  He immediately begins "yes-manning" her. She immediately starts talking about Adam. Chelsea thinks a judge will like her more than Adam because she's in school this week. Chelsea thinks shes ALWAYS mature but she doesn't want to be. Uhhh... sure.

Jenelle and Nathan are playing mini golf. He wore flip flops on their first date and I officially hate him. Oh, he was a marine, just like Gary Head. Does Jenelle ever take off that Tiffany necklace from 2004? Jenelle is talking about her drugs and her ex-boyfriends. She does NOT mention her abortion last week or her husband. Nathan seems uncomfortable, but I think its because he's on camera, not because of the drugs. They have a water bottle fight.

Leah and Jeremy (her current husband) are having dinner while their parents watch the girls. Leah is discussing her daughters grim future, in detail. Now, she is complaining about her husband going back to work to pay for her fancy Florida family vacation. She wants him to quit his badass pipeline job, where he makes $5000/week, to take a lesser paying job and be home all the time. I understand wanting him to be home every night, to an extent, but really --- champagne problems in the trailer park, am I right?

Next week:
Kailyn complains about her custody situation with Jo
Jenelle introduces her son to the man she just had a first date with
Chelsea tries to flirt with Adam
Leah talks about her daughters grim future

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Teen Mom is BAAAACK!

Jenelle kicks off the show, and you immediately know the delusion has only grown!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

RHOA: A Trip Down Memory Lane

Hey, y'all! I'm sorry I've left you in the recap lurch last week, but truthfully I just couldn't be bothered with the Faux Housewives of All Those Counties. I was busy being a Real Housewife of Lafayette Parish, so the family won the war for my holiday attention.
A Big Homie and his TeamMates