
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Teen Mom 2- No one is bringing it!

Where is the excitement? The drama? The hilarity? This season is pretty lame and uneventful. Anyway, here's what's going on this week: nothing.

Jenelle, her mom, and Jace are having breakfast together. Jenelle and her mom talk legalities and hard core drugs before coffee-- and in front of Jace. Then, she tells Babs that she's moving in with her blind date from the other day. No one questions the timing because  he's a model. Jenelle and her boyfriend are surprised that the "honeymoon" phase of their relationship has lasted so long -- a matter of weeks. I am surprised Jenelle and her husband of less than a year are not still in THEIR honeymoon phase. OMG - STOP THE PRESSES! Jenelle is packing things to move in with her underwear model and I've noticed she has THE SAME mass-produced art piece as I do. I must burn it tomorrow. My home can't look like a heorin den. I believe this is the house that Jenelle bought and had to sell immediately because - allegedly- the neighborhood wouldn't allow filming. I don't know how true that is, because we are seeing footage now. Hysterically, Nathan can't seem to rid himself of the feces, finally having to remove his shoe and throw it away. Is this a metaphor for what is to come? #Foreshadowing
Jace and Babs go to Jenelles new house and, you know what? It's nice! It's a nice house. Good for her. Ooooh the truth comes out! She is RENTING this house. Nathan is one of those high-pressure time-share reps. This explains how he got her to rent him such a nice home so quickly ... Plus she's codependent as fuck.
Babs and Jace go to Jenelles to hang out. Jenelles leopard paw tattoo sticking out of her daisy dukes makes me laugh, but not nearly as much as the I depth conversations about drugs that constantly happen around Jace. They discuss Jenelle almost dying from heroin overdose so casually. Jenelle does not take part in the conversation. It's like she's not in the room. It's really funny - and none of it is true. LOL

Kailyn is still the worst. She's house shopping  prior to approval from the judge. She complains about finances and living situations, both of which are the result of her manipulative behavior. Girl, bye.  I hate that people on television constantly say "real-a-tur". The word is  "realtor". Kailyn is now taking her son to visit houses and telling him they can live there. #parenting  How cute is Jo's son?  (See what I did there? REALITY!) He's hysterical on the trampoline! Oh great--- Kailyn and Javi are making an offer on ta house in another state and they haven't even gotten court approval. Perhaps she will move and the judge will say, that's fine. Jo gets domiciliary custody. You can see him every other weekend. HAHAHA that'd make my day. I have open disdain for the whiney, manipulative, friendless victim that is Kailyn Wassherface. I do not care who knows it. To me, shees every hit as delusional as Farrah BackDoor.  To go along with her half sleeve and full back, she gets a TRAMP STAMP of DISDAIN from me.
Jo is actually interacting with his son. They are playing and it's cute. Then, it's back to the Kailyn show. I refuse to recap anything regarding Kailyns "wedding" because MTV has already
Forced me to do this once. It is cruel and unusual punishment to make us watch this MEMEMEME fiasco again. More about moving or not moving. Buying a house to sell it. Wahn wahn wahn. Vute headband. Thanks for NOT wearing it on your forehead. This is not Burning Man.
Kailyn and Javi are boring me again. I like her braid. I cannot braid that way. #compliment

Chelsea is doing her moms makeup at make up school. Her friend Megan's mom and her mom are TWINS! Right down to the glasses and hair cut! Oh, lets talk about Adam!  Surprisingly, it's mostly Chelsea's mom who keeps bringing him (and his NEW baby!) up and Chelsea is like SILENCE! Peasant.
Adam and his girlfriend are discussing  their newborn and he takes the  tender moment to get sassy about Chelsea. The didn't retain THAT much from the preschool orientation. Uh-oh! Adams girlfriend wants to go to Aubrees parent-teacher meetings. Ma'am , no. Just, no. Adam just wants a formalized visitation schedule. I think that's a good idea - for everyone. Adam really needs to stop comparing his  girlfriend to Chelsea - to his girlfriends face.
Chelsea is taking the cutest child on Teen Mom, Aubree, to her first day of pre-school. It's the MILLIONTH first day of school Chelsea has filmed, so Aubree sings.
Chelsea AND Adam show up to pick Aubree up from her first day of preschool. It's nice that he made he effort.  It's NOT cool that he invited her somewhere without asking Chelsea first.. AND it's Chelsea's birthday. I don't think it was to be ugly, I think it was because he's a moron.
Oh wait, Chelsea has another class to go to. Why could Aubree go with her dad while her mom goes to class? Instead, she's going to her grandmas. If they had a formal agreement he would have the right to first refusal (probably) and things like this wouldn't happen. Hmm.

Leah starts off by discussing Ali's wheelchair. Did I miss something? I thought the doctor said not to even get one until she needed it- years from now- to encourage walking? Leah is complaining about her husband having a stable job with steady work and mega pay. #NoOneRelates Momma Dawn is very emotional regarding the reality of Ali's situation. It's heartbreaking.
Corey and his wife rehash Ali's latest doctors appointment and subsequent results. Corey's wife is gorgeous! She's also well-behaved and appropriately supportive. She knows her place as step-mom and she shines in that role. I like her. STAMP OF APPROVAL!
Aleah (spelling?) is sassy as fuck. She needs a spanking. Thank God she has two dads... Or she's have twins at 16, too.  Yes I know it skips a generation. Shut up.
Leah is probably selling her house and moving in order to have a handicap accessible home. I applied her forethought. Unfortunately, if she thinks she's lonely now -- moving 40 minutes away from her family will "show her the meaning of being lonely" #BACKSTREETSBACK
Leah and Corey are exchanging the twins and discussing the move, the reality of life with disability, and to be honest, Corey is in heavy denial. It's very sad. He thinks it's "nothing" and she'll grow up normally and walk down the aisle at her wedding. It's heartbreaking. I teared up. 

Next week on Teen Mom2:
Jenelle is trying for a baby
Chelsea goes on vacation to Rollerskate
Jo and Kailyn make me yawn
Leah's BFF is married and moving. #Lonely

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