
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Teen Mom 2:

Kailyn:"I wish I had known I was going to be pregnant for MY big wedding".
             (She means her vow renewal)
Javi: Well, we didn't plan on being pregnant.
Kailyn: OH WE DIDNT?!
Javi: No... ma'am?
Kailyn: I didn't PURPOSELY take my birth control out?!

Was it an accident or not? I don't care. Do you? Jo asked if he was invited to the wedding, which is on his weekend with Isaac. Kailyn scoffed and demanded Jo give up time with his son, yet again, for Kailyn, her second wedding, and her new life. Kailyn cries about her mom being a big meanie pants and Javi tells her his family (who she publicly bashed on tv last week) are her new family. Flash back to 16 & Pregnant with Jo Rivera. Side eye.
Hahahaha Isaac says "Mommy, your dress is so big!"
Kailyn is getting married with sharks, but Javi is getting married TO a shark, so... there's that. She is unsure why Isaac whines so much. Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the whiniest of them all?
"Javi puts up with me. Do you know how many people can't do that?" All of us.
Why do you love my cousin? "If Javi tells me to shut up, I will shut up." --- by "shut up" she means she will punch him in the face near the bathroom on national television. On her "wedding" night, Kailyn is comparing her feelings for her husband and her feelings for her baby's father to her in-laws. Javi's family is speaking up and trying to welcome her into the family despite recent differences. I'll bet ANYTHING that this won't last. Kailyn can't get along with her family, or Jo's family, nor did she get along with Jordan's family, and she was just in a blow-out with Javi's family.

Jenelle is pretending she actually spends time with Jace. He already knows to expect the worst from his mother: We're late. The party will be over soon!
Jenelle is trying to run the show at Barbaras house. She compares children's parents to Nathan, who is no ones parent.. legally. In my opinion, you'd better never invite someone to my home knowing that I dislike or distrust the person. Also, though, anyone I dislike would never attempt to show up at my home. No one is ever invited here, anyway #FortressOfSolitude, but anyone I openly dislike knows they would be escorted to the street upon arrival. #ByeByeAshy
Jenelle is pretending she knows who Jace's friends are. She is really trying to make Nathan happen. (Spoiler Alert: It's not gunna happen!) Jace is reenacting everything he's ever sen his mom and her multitude of boyfriends do: He's hitting every one in his sight. I think he did a titty-twister on a boy in the kiddie pool!
Jenelle and Nathan are off on their own, ignoring the party, with their backs together (face-to-face is too basic) having a serious conversation about Nathan worming his way back into Babs good graces--- because he needs more camera time! Now, he's trying to assault BAbs with hugs and kisses and a super duper fake apology. Babs ain't tha fuhgivin kind. She takes the apology with a grain of salt and leaves her atenners up. The things he said about her on national television were disgusting and unforgivable. Jenelle is the happiest she's been all day, when the focus of Jace's party is on Nathan.
Jenelle wants to investigate as to why her son is acting out. If she'd really like to find the answer, she need look no further than her latest selfie. These two women need to get this and keep it in the forefront of their minds forever: JACE KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE SAYING. STOP TALKING ABOUT HIM IN FRONT OF HIM! Oh my God, Jenelle thinks Babs needs to take parenting advice from Nathan. Nathan, the guy who was driving around drunk with his child in the back seat.

Chelsea is talking about Adam and court papers. She's not on the couch, though. She's at a coffee shop, so I can tell it's not the last three episodes. At least her child isn't in earshot.
Chelsea is enrolling Aubree in ballet. She's seriously SO cute. I feel like Chelsea doesn't have any discretion in regards to makeup application. She doesn't have a "day look" period. It's just one consistent form of application for any and all occasions. Hmm. Didn't she go to beauty school? Frenchy didn't finish and even she knew the rules!
The Last of the Faux-hicans is back for more camera time, talking about how "boring" home life is. Now, back to bashing Chelsea. Oh, good. Please, let's talk more about the court papers though nothing new has happened. This rando on the couch doesn't care about any of this. This conversation would never happen without producers. OMG Adam just said "I think the judge will see that I'm not some 23 year old out partying and breaking the law" 17 DUIs and a burnt up Corvette later.... I'm calling your bullshit. #DELUSION. I can't live this life. Why are there so many liars around here?!
Aubree goes to ballet class. It's adorable. She loves it.

Corey has the girls for the weekend. Cute scene of him playing with him, as usual. Jeremy and Leah are moving and Jeremy is being called to work for a few weeks. Leah is still concerned with Jeremys health. She is also concerned about dealing with the daily stressors alone, but Jeremy rightly points out that his job is not only the best option, but the BEST option for their enormous amount of hospital bills and two mortgages. Leah wants to go to counseling, which, of course, he would need to be in town for.  Leah has a very hungry husband, but she wants to Woo-hoo and Rah Rah in regards to counseling. Is Jeremy a scorpio? If he is, she should let him cool off rather than peppering him with questions. I need to google their signs. Is that weird? Jeremy slapped her with a piece of bacon! He brings home the bacon and rubs her face in it. ZING! He is a Capricorn. They tend to bottle up emotions until they blow. (If you believe in this stuff...) That's basically what just happened, is it not? I've never seen an explosion that included limp bacon, though. MTV, GROUNDBREAKING! #ICONIC
Jeremy left for work. one of the kids is sick, maybe all three? I don't know. Now, all she has to film with is her sister, Victoria. Victoria is the voice of reason. Leah just wants to have a pitty party. I've said it before, I'll say it again, NO ONE CAN RELATE TO THIS.  No one wants to hear you complain about you finding TWO great men to raise your children, THREE beautiful daughters, and PLENTY of financial resources. There are no violins available for that party. She's not just better off than every one else who's ever disgraced this franchise, but also moreso than 60% of young Americans. (I improvised that statistic, but you know what I mean.) Sorry, I empathize with many things in her life, but this isn't one of them.
Corey quit his job and came home. He has a new job offer. #Baby'sInDemand It's basically more of the same. He'll make great money. but he'll be gone for long stretches of time. He smiles and says he can fly her into his job site anytime. She knows traveling with her husband is impractical because they have three children and shared custody. I think it's practical to let the girls stay with Corey and visit Jeremy every other weekend, if they can fly her in.

Next week on Teen Mom2:
Kailyn renews her vows.
Chelsea graduates? Can't be real
Leah is crying
Jenelle and Nathan have a blow-out screaming argument. #SHOCKING, not.

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