
Monday, April 22, 2013

Teen Mom 2 Season 4 Episode 11

Tonight on Teen Mom 2.... Barbara tells it like it is
Jenelle has a court date for her fight with Gary and she's nervous to take a drug test. In the words of Dustin, esq., "We're free and clear again".
Meanwhile, Jenelle and Kieffer are discussing overdue bills and unpaid rent. Kieffer assures us any judge will pose the question:
 "Why are you evictin' em over one month.?This is crazy. This guy is a dick!" 
They resolve to hurry and find a place to rent on Craigslist before the eviction hits Jenelle's credit report. Later, Barbara comes over and she lets loose on Jenelle, but not before she exchanges words with Kieffer. 

Barbara: "Youse awl can't pay ya rent but youse ah selling ya WEED       pipes!!! Ya can't suh-part ya self -- howya gonna suh-part ya kid!" 
Jenelle: "Im going to get my son back and I'm going to run away and you'll NEVER see us!" 
Barbara: "YOUSE DONT WANT YA FUCKING KID! ....Oh Ah'm reeeeel jealous ofa convicted FELON, Juh-nell!"
Jenelle: "Bein' a felon ain't illegal mom!"
But, really... isn't it though? Logic. Babs and Jace storm out of the house. Jenelle calls out to Jace for a hug and he responds by yelling, "NO!". He has taken to this form of family communication like a duck to water. Commercial time - Barbara has redecorated Jace's room and bought him new furniture. Jace is elated. Super cute after all that yelling he just experienced. Jenelle is concerned that she will never be viewed as a suitable parent and will never get custody of Jace. To soothe her worries, she and Kieffer start partying ... A LOT.
Kieffer counts their blessings in this order:

-We aren't in the front seat of the Accord with no where to go (the makings of a country song)
-The dog is alive
-Jace is fine
-I'm really bored, I'm going to go get us some dope. I'm going to get you high and you'll feel better.

Chelsea is illegally doing hair outside of school without a license and discussing taking a leave from school to spend more time...? Anyway, Aubrey is having a birthday party, but she's also having a separate party with her dad, Adam. Please, get. a. story. line. Chelsea has a ton of 20-something's over snd maybe two other kids, rents a bouncy castle, buys a cake and presto - Aubrey's birthday is over. Back to talking about Adam and how he ruins things!!! Okay, let's discuss taking a leave from school again. Adam has a family party for Aubrey. His girlfriend is there, but no children are present. There is a swimming pool, cake, and ... SHE GETS A MOTORCYCLE. Aubrey is a little nervous about the vehicle but Adam promises to paint it pink for her and she smiles as her grandfather helps her on the bike. It's really sweet. Adam drops Aubrey off and lingers a little... Chelsea curtly tells him "BYE"! I'm surprised she isn't immediately making something up in her head like "He hung out for a few minutes. HE LOVES ME! WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" Chelsea, that was a glimmer of hope.
This is an accurate depiction
of Kailyn Lowry

If Kailyn opens her mouth, its to discuss one of two things:
-Javi's military benefits
-or moving away from Jo with Isaac
Kailyn is a moron. She's going to family counseling/ anger management and then she's going to tell Jo she's running away with his baby and replacing him with another man. Then, she's planning her wedding and calling it a day. Javi brooches the subject of respect within a relationship. Kailyn fuggn loses it! She spits out gems like:

-Walk away Javi walk away
-There's something in my brain that doesn't let me control my anger. This is me. Accept it.
-I didn't show you who I really was before we got married. Now you know.
-I'm warning you, get away from me right now.
Javi resolves that this whole situation is retarded and realizes that Kailyn is just using him and will ultimately leave him when the situation no longer benefits her.
Fab. You. Lus!
Kailyn and Jo are in therapy and she cries saying she is afraid Jo's girlfriend will take her place. This is amazeballs! Admitting it is the first step, beeyotch. Jo totally knows she plans on leaving with the baby because it is a topic he is truly harping on. He mentions it multiple times. He is the father and his son belongs with him,  and not just a few weeks a year. COSIGN! I agree, he should be with his father, not with some other guy 45 weeks out of the year. Jo and Kailyn discuss the custody situation. Jo tells her that should she ever try to take the baby away, she will be in need of a lawyer. He also reasons that she and Javi don't know each other well enough to get married and that this marriage will fail. Kailyn is herself. "Blah blah blah me me me I do what I want, entitlement."

A celebration is in order! Leah's daughter Ali is walking!!!!! This is really sweet, even though Leah rolls her eyes when Ali says she wants to call her dad, not Jeremy, to spread the news. It's not about you, Leah. Leah takes Ali to a doctors appointment. Corey tags along because he loves his kids and is very involved. It's more of the same: tests, maybe muscular, maybe nerves... maybe we'll get results, maybe not. The doctor calls back and Ali's he now wants to do the biopsy. Leah really loses her cool while on the phone and lashes out at her daughters which furthers my suspicion that she is a disgruntled and overwhelmed caretaker. They call it "caretaker fatigue"... look it up, girl.

 Next week is the season finale:
Chelsea and Aubree wake up (that's really the preview)
Javi leaves for basic training
Leah continues to search for answers regarding her daughter
Jenelle eats pizza and her mother cries saying she fears Jenelle will die of addiction

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